Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Best Laid Plans...

Twelve days have passed since the beginning of the New Year. Statistically speaking, most of you have already succumbed to the temptations you have vehemently been avoiding. The goals may have been unattainable from the start, or maybe your interest has waned. Some of you may still be going strong, gaining ground and achieving the goals you have set.
This year, my goals are to become published and to become a better writer. At the end of October, I submitted one of my short stories to several literary magazines. Only six have of them have responded, and those have been rejections. I believe in my story, though, and know it will find a home if I keep working at it. I will continue sending out submissions. I will be published by the end of 2012.
I don’t believe that you ever stop growing as a writer… unless you stop writing. I stopped posting blogs about a month and a half ago. A lot of it had to do with the overwhelming stress of the holidays. Some of it had to do with my inability to come up with new topics.
I still wasn’t quite sure what I wanted my blog to focus on. I recently realized that it needed to continue focusing on my two passions – reading and writing. I have finally come up with a plan. I will begin posting two blogs a week. One post will be a general post, covering any number of topics pertaining to reading or writing. The second post will solely focus on books I am currently reading. My reading list includes mostly classics and canonized works. I’ve always loved older books. While reading you learn about structure and characters and literary elements. They are books that contain models so many authors have copied since. Each contains a lesson to be learned.
Tonight, I will begin reading John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. I’m not sure what I will read after this book. What do you think? What classic is your favorite? Which book would you like to see reviewed and discussed?